Who doesn’t dream about having eyelashes looking like the net curtains? Certainly, a lot of women struggle with the problem of the fragile, thin and delicate eyelashes. If you also encounter this problem, and you are determined to change this situation at all cost, you should read this article. To make our eyelashes strong and healthy, it is advisable to follow  several rules. Even the best eyelash conditioner will be completely useless, if we don’t take care of our eyelashes. In order to strengthen our eyelashes, it is worth using castor oil. It has got plenty of qualities which not only make your eyelashes shine but also make them stronger and more nourished. It is also advisable to apply the castor oil every day, just before going to sleep. Moreover, it is also quite crucial to cleanse thoroughly your face of all the remaining make-up.

Woman eyesThe castor oil should be applied with the cotton swab or the wad of cotton wool. The soaked wad of cotton should be put on your eyes and then left for a longer period of time. It is also extremely important not to rub the eyes, as well as, not to tear the eyelashes. As it is widely-known, we have got only 200 eyelashes in each eyelid, so we don’t have plenty of them. While rubbing the eyes or the fierce make-up removal the eyelashes become either damaged or get so violable that they simply start falling out. It is obvious that this procedure deprive us from obtaining beautiful eyelashes. That is why, you should remove the make-up in the delicate way, or while getting out of the shower, dry the eyelids by gently pressing the towel to them. What is more, isn’t a good idea to use waterproof cosmetics. Obviously, these are extremely durable, nevertheless, the removal of such the cosmetics entail the necessity of rubbing the eyes with the the wad of cotton wool. As mentioned before, this action damages eyelashes and leads to their fall-out.

If the condition of your eyelashes doesn’t improve despite following the above-mentioned practices, you should buy one of the available eyelash conditioners. In spite of the fact, that their prices are not considered as low, these are very effective and hold out for a long time. Naturally, one of the positive effect which the eyelashes conditioners bring about are the longer and thicker eyelashes. Many of them stimulate our eyelashes to the faster growth.

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